During the 26th edition of Huntenkunst, Romania takes a central place in the art event. Witte Gallery from Bucharest will present the works of Romanian artists in its temporary gallery in the SSP hall in Ulft.
Every year, artists from a certain country are central to Huntenkunst. This year they are Romanian artists. Witte Gallery, a young art space in Bucharest, will exhibit the works of the artists in a special pavilion at Huntenkunst 2018.

The gallery, founded at the end of 2016, focuses on contemporary art. Horatiu Lipot, since the start of Witte Gallery’s curator and manager: “Witte operates as a platform for the most recent contemporary art in and around Bucharest. We recognize, distinguish and promote the most extraordinary artistic works nationally and internationally.”
After studying art history at the National University of Arts in Bucharest, Horatiu Lipot worked for six years as a contemporary art specialist for the largest auction house in Romania. As a curator, he organized numerous exhibitions at various locations in Bucharest.
In addition to the gallery, White Gallery offers a special concept for Romania: AFYO. That stands for Affordable Art For Your Of fi ce. Horatiu Lipot: “Not only companies but also individual art lovers get access to modern European art through rent.” The collection consists of almost 500 works of art from the 20th century, including works by Chagall, Dali, Matisse and Miro.