In memoriam

In memoriam Rob Voorhuis

On July 11, at the age of 78, our first main sponsor passed away. He devoted himself to putting Doetinchem on the map. He is seen as a connector. He set himself the goal of the city to an attractive center of the region. He did not limit himself to the preservation of characteristic characteristic buildings, but for him cultural life also played an important role. That involved in various areas. Thus he played an important role in making his
hometown. Where he could help, he jumped in. As a man of culture he knew from the beginning to appreciate from the beginning. That appreciation was for us as a starting art organization in 1993 certainly not a a matter of course. Voorhuis did see the value and potential of our festival. Especially at the start it is important to find someone to help get an activity on track. Rob was the man who spontaneously reached out to us financially and he became our main sponsor by making the then Houtkamphal. That meant a great financial support, for which we many thanks to him. His help allowed us as a board to fully focus on our content and work toward the realization of an appealing international arts festival. Rob helped us over the threshold without limiting our content. We got to know him as an amiable man.

He was known as the connector, as the admirer and stimulator
of culture. He received us quite often in the heart of his business on Water Street. As a result we could witness his special bond with his employees. This bond told a lot about his person. His royal decoration, which he received in all modesty, was more than deserved. We are grateful to have known him. What remains for us are the pleasant
memories of Rob. We wish his wife and children lots of support.
Harrie Schenning
Chairman Stg Huntenkunst